The Sentinel has joined forces with Stoke Gas to offer readers the chance to win a Kensington, Defra Approved Wood Burning Oven Stove valued at £995 inclusive of VAT.
The Kensington, DEFRA Approved Wood Burning Oven Stove is the stove you can cook on! The Kensington has a large curved ceramic glasswide view area and modern handle design.This is a unique patented stove which incorporates an integral oven built into the lower part of the stove with a separate door enabling cooking. The unique patented burning system allows the fire to burn in a bed of skimmed aerated ash. The Kensington aeration system creates a fine draught to the fires core, which then greatly improves ignition and re-ignition from the glowing embers. The Kensington like many quality stoves is able to sustain ignition on either one or two logs and keep the room up to temperature once the required temperature has been achieved. The Kensington has a 5kW output and is up to 78% efficient. It is smoke exempt DEFRA Approved, to allow burning in smoke controlled areas. Bakelite and stainless steel handles option are both included and it allows for quick and easy ash removal.
Stoke Gas & Electric Fireplace & Stove Centre has been established since 1970 and offers the largest range of fireplace products on display in Staffordshire. With more than 250 gas fires,electric fires, multi-fuel and wood burning stoves there is something to suit everyone at a cost to suit all pockets. Come in and see our live stoves on display, we are open 7 days a week. Our expert staff will be able to assist you with any queries.
Closing date for entries is Monday 20th October. See the Sentinel for further details.